

  • Fixed a lot (and I mean A LOT) of indentation bugs which were not rendering math equations clearly
  • Replaced charts syntax with images of generated charts(AI module 2 and OS module 2) as it’s an obsidian-only plugin.

Message from the author.

I specifically created this repository so that students like myself and my peers and juniors and future students can break free from the joke of an education provided by our college and the governing board.

This repository will recieve updates whenever I make new notes or update existing notes.

Happy learning!

Current notes in progress

  1. Integral Calculus (Completed!)
  2. Software Engineering (5th semester) (30% done)
  3. Compiler Design Theory + Dedicated numericals section (5th Semester) (90% done)
  4. Data Structures and Algorithms in C (10% done)


Since GitHub doesn’t allow files over than 50mb in size, here’s the link for the engineering maths textbook which I have referred to in my notes. (Engineering mathematics Semester 3).

Anyone with the link can access this pdf.

A dedicated resources section is in Textbooks and YouTube Playlists (CTRL + left-click to open in new tab)

P.S if you like the notes, and have a github account, then please drop a star on!

Stargazers over time Stargazers over time